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Transaction Types

Financial Operations Types

The Gateway supports card not present (CNP) types of transactions, made where the Cardholder does not or cannot physically present the card for your visual examination at the time that an order is placed and payment effected.

The type of transaction required is specified using the type request field when performing a new payment transaction.

E-Commerce (ECOM)

E-commerce transactions are supported by the Gateway by using a transaction type of 1. They are designed for you to accept payments via a website, such as a shopping cart payment. E-commerce transactions in the EU region MUST use advance fraud detection, such as 3-D Secure V2.

Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO)

Mail Order/Telephone Order transactions are supported by the Gateway by using a transaction type of 2. They are designed for you to build your own virtual terminal system to enter remote order details. MOTO transactions cannot use 3-D Secure as the cardholder is not able to perform the challenge.

Your Acquirer may need to enable MOTO capabilities on your main acquiring account, or they provide a separate acquiring account which will be available through its own Gateway Merchant Account.

How do I choose between MOTO and ECOM?

If you are building a website facing the cardholder, for example a webshop to sell clothes, attraction tickets, pizzas etc. you should use ECOM (1) as a type and if you are in the EU region, 3D-Secure must be used as well. If you are building a backend or a website for the merchant to be able to process card not present transactions, for example orders received over the phone, where the cardholder will dictate the card number to the merchant, then in this case you should use MOTO (2) as a type and the cardholder will be exempt from using 3D-Secure. MOTO (2) should also be used for merchant initiated refunds, for example if a customer calls and wants to get reimbursed for a product.

Financial Operations Actions

All requests must specify what action they require the Gateway to perform, using the action request field.


This will create a new transaction and attempt to seek authorisation for a sale from the Acquirer. A successful authorisation will reserve the funds on the Cardholder’s account until the transaction is settled.

The captureDelay field can be used to state whether the transaction should be authorised only and settled at a later date. **For more details on delayed capture, refer to the delayed capture guide. If captureDelay is not used the transaction will be automatically settled at the end of the day.


This will create a new transaction and attempt to verify that the card account exists with the Acquirer. The transaction will result in no transfer of funds and no hold on any funds on the Cardholder’s account. It cannot be captured and will not be settled. The transaction amount must always be zero.

This transaction type is the preferred method for validating that the card account exists and is in good standing; however, it cannot be used to validate that it has sufficient funds.


This will create a new transaction and attempt to seek authorisation for a sale from the Acquirer. If authorisation is approved, then it is immediately voided (where possible) so that no funds are reserved on the Cardholder’s account. The transaction will result in no transfer of funds. It cannot be captured and will not be settled.

This transaction type can be used to check whether funds are available and that the account is valid. However, due to the problem highlighted below, it is recommended that Merchants use the VERIFY action when supported by their Acquirer.


If the transaction is to be completed then a new authorisation must be sought using the SALE action. If the PREAUTH authorisation could not be successfully voided, then this will result in the funds’ being authorised twice effectively putting two holds on the amount on the Cardholder’s account and thus requiring twice the amount to be available in the Cardholder’s account. It is therefore recommended only to PREAUTH small amounts, such as £1.00 to check mainly account validity.

Transaction Request

For the Hosted payment page integration, only a few fields are required (see table below). However, you can customise the appearance of the Hosted Payment Page by sending additional fields in the request.

You can control which payment methods are displayed and the default or initial value to display in the input fields.

You can also state which fields you require to be mandatory, in which case the payment form may not be submitted until the cardholder has completed all the mandatory fields. On the standard modal Hosted Payment Page, the mandatory requirement can also control whether the field needs to be displayed. A value of ‘Y’ or ‘N’ means the field must be displayed, ‘Y’ indicates that a value must be supplied, while ‘N’ indicates the value can be blank. Omitting the request field means that the field need not be displayed if the form can provide a better user experience without it.

merchantIDYesYour Gateway Merchant Account ID.
merchantPwdNoAny password used for an added security layer.
signatureYesHash used to sign this request. See signature calculation for information on how to create the hash. A signature maybe mandatory on some Merchant Accounts and requests.
actionYesPossible values are: PREAUTH, VERIFY, SALE
amountYesThe amount of the transaction. Either major currency units by providing a value that includes a single decimal point such as ’10.99’; or in minor currency units by providing a value that contains no decimal points such as ‘1099’.

Optional if an xref is provided as the value will be taken from the cross-referenced transaction.
TypeYesThe type of transaction. Possible values are:
1 – E-commerce (ECOM)
2 - Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO)

Optional if an xref is provided as the value will be taken from the cross-referenced transaction.
countryCodeYesMerchant's location. Either the ISO-3166-1 2-letter, 3-letter or 3-digit code.

Optional if an xref is provided as the value will be taken from the cross-referenced transaction.
currencyCodeYesTransaction currency. Either the ISO-4217 3-letter or 3-digit code.

Optional if an xref is provided as the value will be taken from the cross-referenced transaction.
redirectURLYesURL to which the hosted form will redirect the Customer’s browser after the transaction has been completed. The URL must be fully qualified and include at least the scheme and host components. Refer to the redirect URL docs for details.
paymentMethodNoThe payment method required. For card payments either omit this field or use the value card. It can also request the Hosted Payment Page to invoke an alternative payment method on display without the need for the Customer to select it.
allowedPaymentMethodsNoComma separated list of paymentMethods supported by the Merchant to show on Hosted Payment Page where supported.
cardNumberNoThe primary account number (PAN) as printed on the front of the payment card. Digits and spaces only.

- if provided it will be used to initialise the corresponding hosted payment page input field.
- This should only be used by Merchants who are storing Card numbers as per PCI DSS requirements
- if an xref is provided as the value will be taken from the cross-referenced transaction.
cardExpiryMonthNoPayment card’s expiry month from 1 to 12.

- if provided it will be used to initialise the corresponding hosted payment page input field.
- if an xref is provided as the value will be taken from the cross-referenced transaction.
cardExpiryYearNoPayment card’s expiry year from 00 to 99.

- if provided it will be used to initialise the corresponding hosted payment page input field.
- if an xref is provided as the value will be taken from the cross-referenced transaction.
cardExpiryDateNoPayment card’s expiry date in MMYY format as an alternative to sending a separate cardExpiryMonth and cardExpiryYear.

- if provided it will be used to initialise the corresponding hosted payment page input field.
- if an xref is provided as the value will be taken from the cross-referenced transaction.
cardCVVNoPayment card’s security number. The 3-digit number printed on the signature strip.

- if provided it will be used to initialise the corresponding hosted payment page input field.
- This should only be used for test purpose as Merchants are not allowed to store Card CVV numbers.
- if an xref is provided as the value will be taken from the cross-referenced transaction.
transactionUniqueNoYou can supply a unique identifier for this transaction. This is an added security feature to combat transaction spoofing.

Optional if an xref is provided as the value will be taken from the cross-referenced transaction.
orderRefNoFree format text field to store order details, reference numbers, etc. for the Merchant’s records.

Optional if an xref is provided as the value will be taken from the cross-referenced transaction.
orderDateNoOptional date to record with the transaction.
captureDelayNoNumber of days to wait between authorisation of a payment and subsequent settlement. refer to the delayed capture guide.
xrefNoReference to a previous transaction. refer to payment tokenisation.
callbackURLNoURL which will receive a copy of the transaction result by POST. The URL must be fully qualified and include at least the scheme and host components. Refer to the callback URL docs for details.
customerNameNoDefault value for the Cardholder’s name field.
customerAddressNoDefault value for the Cardholder’s address field.
customerTownNoDefault value for the Cardholder’s town field.
customerCountyNoDefault value for the Cardholder’s county field.
customerPostcodeNoDefault value for the Cardholder’s postcode field.
customerCountryCodeNoDefault value for the Cardholder’s country field.
customerEmailNoDefault value for the Cardholder’s email field.
customerPhoneNoDefault value for the Cardholder’s phone number field.
receiverDateOfBirthNoDefault value for the Cardholder’s date of birth field.
cardCVVMandatoryNoCard security number field requirements (Y or N).
customerNameMandatoryNoCardholder’s name field requirements (Y or N).
customerFullNameMandatoryNoCardholder’s name field requirements (Y or N).
customerAddressMandatoryNoCardholder’s address field requirements (Y or N).
customerTownMandatoryNoCardholder’s town field requirements (Y or N).
customerCountyMandatoryNoCardholder’s county field requirements (Y or N).
customerPostcodeMandatoryNoCardholder’s postcode field requirements (Y or N).
customerCountryCodeMandatoryNoCardholder’s country field requirements (Y or N).
customerPostcodeMandatoryNoCardholder’s postcode field requirements (Y or N).
customerEmailMandatoryNoCardholder’s email field requirements (Y or N).
customerPhoneMandatoryNoCardholder’s phone field requirements (Y or N).
receiverDateOfBirthMandatoryNoCardholder’s date of birth requirements (Y or N).
formAmountEditableNoEnables the payment amount to be edited by the consumer thus allowing the consumer to choose the amount they wish to pay.
formResponsiveNoRequest the Hosted Payment Page adjust its layout according to the browser display size etc. (Y or N).
formAllowCancelNoRequest the Hosted Payment Page show a cancel button to allow the payment to be cancelled resulting in a transaction responseCode of 65576 (REQUEST CANCELLED).

Transaction Response

The response will contain all the fields sent in the request (minus any cardNumber and cardCVV) plus the following:

responseCodeAlwaysA numeric code providing the specific outcome. Common values are:
0 - Successful / authorised transaction.
1 - Card referred – Refer to card issuer.
2 - Card referred – Special condition.
4 - Card declined – Keep card.
5 - Card declined.
Check responseMessage for more details of any error that occurred. Refer to Response Codes for details.
responseStatusAlwaysA numeric code providing the outcome category. Possible values are:
0 – Authorisation Approved / No reason to decline
1 – Authorisation Declined.
2 – Authorisation Error / Transaction malformed.
responseMessageAlwaysMessage received from the Acquiring bank, or any error message.
transactionIDAlwaysA unique ID assigned by the Gateway.
xrefAlwaysYou may store the cross reference for repeat transactions. Refer to payment tokenisation.
stateAlwaysTransaction state.
timestampAlwaysTime the transaction was created or last modified.
transactionUniqueIf suppliedAny value supplied in the initial request.
authorisationCodeOn successAuthorisation code received from Acquirer.
referralPhoneIf providedTelephone number supplied by Acquirer to phone for voice authorisation when provided.
amountReceivedOn successAmount the Acquirer authorised. This should always be the full amount requested.
orderRefIf suppliedAny value supplied in the initial request.
cardNumberMaskAlwaysCard number masked for Merchant storage.
cardTypeCodeAlwaysCode identifying the type of card used. Refer to the Card Identification guide.
cardTypeAlwaysDescription of the type of card used. Refer to the Card Identification guide.
cardSchemeCodeAlwaysCode identifying the Card Scheme used. Refer to the Card Identification guide.
cardSchemeAlwaysDescription of the Card Scheme used. Refer to the Card Identification guide.
cardIssuerAlwaysCard Issuer name (when known).
cardIssuerCountryAlwaysCard issuing country’s name (when known).
cardIssuerCountryCodeAlwaysCard issuing country’s ISO-3166 2-letter code (when known).

Undocumented fields may be returned at the Gateways discretion but should not be relied upon. The acquirerResponseXXXX fields are dependent on the Acquirer in use and are supplied for additional information only. The response is also POSTed to any URL provided by optional callbackURL.